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Times Tables and Number Bonds

Automaticity - noun. the quality or fact of being performed involuntarily or unconsciously, as a reflex, innate process, or ingrained habit

At Mount Charles School we recognise that automaticity of the key facts in maths dramatically aids children when understanding new concepts. If children can instantly recall the appropriate fact, they can concentrate on the process of applying it to the problem. Working out the key facts needed each time, slows children down which means that they get less practice of the concept being taught. Over time, those children who know the facts will end up spending longer practicing the key concepts and therefore be more confident in their mathematical ability and knowledge.  

With this in mind, we have developed our own Times Table and Number Bonds planning document which identifies that classes will spend at least five minutes learning times table facts or number bonds every day.  

Children’s knowledge of the key facts is monitored through Times Table Rock Stars (TTrockstars) in KS2 and Numbots in KS1. The children use this weekly during their class times tables sessions and are encouraged to use regularly at home. Children in KS2 are aware of their ‘heatmap’ which shows their average speed for each table and are directed to key facts that they need to learn based on this. Progress is celebrated in class and through the fortnightly school newsletter.

Your child will have their own login to ttrockstars and Numbots (they are the same). If you have any questions about logins, using ttrockstars or how to help your child learn their tables or number bonds, please contact your child’s teacher.

Useful websites to help with learning key facts: