New Nursery Class opening in September! Contact the school office to book a visit!

School Dinners

Our delicious school meals cost £2.65 per day and must be ordered in advance through ParentPay. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to UIFSM, so will not be charged for their school meals. Please note, all children wanting to have a school meal must book their meal through ParentPay, even children in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) and Universal Infant Free School Meals, (UIFSM). 

From the 1st September 2022, Cornwall Education Learning Trust have made the decision to provide ALL Keystage 1 pupils with a school lunch. We are encouraging all children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 to take up their free meal. We are asking parents not to send their child (Years R, 1 & 2) to school with a packed lunch. The School Office will order your child the ‘main’ option if a meal is not selected for them. Parents are welcome to supplement their child’s school dinner with a packed lunch if they wish, however, children will be encouraged to sample their hot meal before their packed lunch.

School meals need to be booked by midnight on the Sunday for the week ahead. For example, meals for the week commencing Monday 6th September, will need to be made by midnight on Sunday 5th September. If your child is absent on a day a booking has been made, the school office will cancel the order and a credit will held on their account.
If you would like to apply for FSM, please click here to complete an application. Your application is confidential so no one will know if you apply.