New Nursery Class opening in September! Contact the school office to book a visit!



In EYFS, children learn to form letters using the RWI handwriting phrases (see appendix). In KS1, children then learn to form pre-cursive letters and by the end of KS1 all children are expected to be able to form lower case and upper-case letters with the correct orientation, appropriate size and distance, remembering to leave spaces between words.  

In Year 2, when teachers feel a child is ready, they will begin to teach cursive handwriting style through weekly handwriting lessons. They will be expected to learn to form letters of an appropriate size, leave fingers spaces between their words, join fluently using diagonal and horizontal joins and correct their mistakes with a single pencil line. Children will write in pencil until they are able to write legibly, with the expectation that most children will be using pen by the time they are in Year 5.  

To support children in developing their handwriting, teachers will model writing at the age appropriate level at all times. Where required, additional practise and writing support aids will be provided to support children in developing their writing skills. All resources will be printed in the school’s font as well as any writing on display around the school.