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Online Safety

The internet provides many exciting opportunities for children today. They can learn, create and communicate online. Being online is an integral part of their lives. It is important to understand that risks exist when using the internet. At Mount Charles School we understand the importance of keeping everyone safe in a digital world. On this page you will find details on how we support children to use the internet safely. 

Teaching pupils about Online Safety at Mount Charles School.

Across the school, pupils are taught to use computers and the internet safely.
The plan of how this is taught, can be accessed on the link below.

Safety Tips for Parents:
- Know what your children are doing online and who they are talking to. Ask them to teach you to use applications you have never used.
- Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends - personal information includes their messenger id, email address, mobile number and any picture of themselves, their family or friends - if your child publishes a picture or video online anyone can change it or share it.
- If your child receives spam/junk email & texts, remind them never to believe them, reply to them or use them
- It's not a good idea for your child to open files that are from people they don't know. They won't know what they contain - it could be a virus, or worse - an inappropriate image or film.
- Help your child to understand that some people lie online and that therefore it is better to keep online mates online. They should never meet up with any strangers without an adult they trust.
- Always keep communication open for a child to know that it's never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable.
- Teach young people how to block someone online and report them if they feel uncomfortable.
- Change your search engine settings to be more strict and use content filters available through most Internet Service Providers. 
- There are people who can help. Report online child abuse, or for more advice and support, follow the links on this page.
- See the Parents' Guides to Technology to find out information on how to keep your specific devices and services safe.
The best parental controls are being present in the room yourself and using any Internet-connected devices alongside your child