Our new Nursery Class is open! Contact the school office to book a visit!

Welcome to Mount Charles School

We motivate and celebrate the successes of all pupils at our school.

We are a family-centred school situated in the heart of the community in St. Austell. We are very proud of our school and work collaboratively to ensure excellent provision for all. We welcome visitors warmly so please do arrange a visit. 

We are focused on supporting our children through an exciting, enriched primary experience. Our priority is to ensure that children are safe, happy and eager to come to school every day. We work together to ensure that children achieve academically but we also firmly believe in a rounded education that celebrates all children’s strengths and achievements. 

On 1st June 2016, with the support of the community, we became an academy as part of the Peninsula Learning Trust. We joined the Trust in order to collaborate closely with other schools, whilst continuing to build on the values and ethos that contribute to us being a popular and successful school. On 1st September 2019, Peninsula Learning Trust was joined by Poltair School and became Cornwall Education Learning Trust.
We offer an exciting curriculum designed to engage and enthuse our children. We recognise that all children are unique and aim to provide the opportunities for them to excel in areas where they have a special talent.

We have an inclusive ethos and are proud to have an Area Resource Base for children with educational and physical needs. The Area Resource Base is part of the Special Partnership Trust although the families it serves are also very much part of the Mount Charles School community.

We aim to ensure that children are equipped with the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will help them to succeed in life.

We look forward to welcoming you. 
If you have a safeguarding concern about a child at Mount Charles School, then please email: dsl@mcs.celtrust.org. If you have a concern that a child has been harmed or might be at risk of harm or abuse, then please call the Multi Agency Referral Unit on 0300 1231 116 or the local police on 101. You can also call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

March 2025




All day

School reports will be sent home



3:00pm - 4:00pm

PTA Easter Crafts - EYFS & KS1